Can Christians Also Be Survival Prepper’s?

I read a story today that really freaked me out because it said “it’s a sin to be a prep for the end of the world”. It went into detail about having faith in God and knowing he would take care of his believers (regardless of how bad or dangerous of a situation) is all you need to do.

As a fellow Christian, my faith in God has never been stronger. however, If there was a black-out due to a power grid failure, leaving me and my family with no food or water for days or weeks on end, how would I survive that?

I called my good friend and pastor, Chris because he always helps with calming my nerves and remembering god’s message. As it turns out, I’m not the only one that feels puzzled and scared about my future from time to time. 

Christians all around the world are preoccupied with the end of the world. The media has shown the empty shelves in grocery stores nationwide, and price gouges in almost every food and product. In pop culture, you see it in movies and TV series. However, there is a balance It’s easy to look at today’s world and feel unsettled. Although many Christians are troubled with fear, anxiety, and worry. There’s a sense of feeling powerless and defeated as we look at the unstable and roller-coaster of a world we live in today. Always remember, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains are moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.” Psalm 46:1–3. 

Our savor does not want us to live in a constant state of anxiousness. During hard times like these, he wants us to remember God has not failed us. He has promised to be with us in the middle of tragedy.

A huge area of controversy in prepping today is whether Christians should be preppers. Each situation is unique, but it’s highly encouraged to take your unique situation to God in prayer and ask for His guidance. 

Without a question, It is absolutely biblical to prepare yourself and your family for the future when God provides you with the opportunity to do so—spiritually and physically.

Our faith and focus should always remain on Christ, prepping is purely an opportunity we can utilize to be a good steward of God’s blessings and minister to others in times of need.

Well, that’ll all from me for the day. My best friend from Puerto Rico is in town for his birthday and I’ve got to start getting ready (we’re going to a fancy sushi restaurant). But I did want to share what’s been on my mind all day and see if anyone else feels the same? I would love to hear all about it if anyone feels comfortable enough to share. 😊 

10 thoughts on “Can Christians Also Be Survival Prepper’s?

  1. I just had this conversation with a good friend of mine. I mimicked much of what you said.

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  2. I’m glad you addressed this issue. I’ve been prepping ever since there was no toilet paper available back in 2020, not out of fear, but because I could see the signs of the times. I have a couple of years worth of certain items that I know we need every day. However, I recently asked the Lord, should I buy more? He took me to Matthew 6 where Jesus tells us not be worry about what to eat or wear. What I believe He was telling me is to have faith that He can multiply what I have. To me this makes sense. When prepping turns into fear or panic, as mine was tempted to become, it’s time to stop. However, the opposite is also wrong. Many Christians I know have their head in the sand, oblivious to the signs of the times. Denial of what is coming is in my opinion, also wrong. Just my two cents worth.

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  3. Prepping, especially with the idea in mind to help others who have not prepped is fine. However, I have known preppers (before Y2K) that bought property to save their own skins and would not even invite family to come to their safe house!
    Yet, Jesus tells us explicitly to pray for “daily bread.” Too much prep can make one feel confident in the flesh and think, “Well, I don’t need to rely on God; I’ve got all I will need to survive.”
    I think of Betsy ten Boom (read The Hiding Place) for whom God provided all she needed up to the day He took her home. I seriously doubt that I have her level of faith yet, but He is working in me to bring it about.
    Mainly, do what God tells you in your prayer times to do.
    ❤️&🙏, c.a.

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  4. Jesus Christ did say that a day will come when it’s time to head for the hills to find safety. We are that close to Jesus’s return when many people feel a need to start prepping for that day.

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  5. I has never thought about it this way!

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  6. I don’t see it as a sin and it is always a good idea to have extra food that will last for awhile like dry goods and canned goods. I am not sure if you believe in the rapture, but I do and I believe it will happen before the tribulation the Bible speaks of, but that doesn’t mean things will not get rough before then.

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  7. I think it is good to reasonably prepare, provided you don’t bridge onto scrupulosity. I mean, it would be presumptuous to say, “I won’t use a seatbelt because God will protect me from deadly crashes.”

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  8. From Joseph and Pharaoh in Genesis to Salvation itself, the Bible has always been about prepping.

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  9. The most important prepping we can do is spiritual, because the fact is, the “end of the world” can come to any one of us at any time. We are all going to die, and we should stay close to God as if it’s today, and work as if it’s 100 years from now.

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